The Godfather: Francis Ford Coppola’s Notebook

This is enlightening.The Godfather: The Wedding Scene Not only as a student of the movie, which I will always be. But as a creator, a director, a filmmaker… this reminds all of us that this pure enthusiasm and total commitment to a vision is what determines our true success. I watch this and remember that if I have passion for something, a commitment and a vision, if it’s something I truly believe in, something that inspires me, that I “get” in my head, heart and soul… there’s a pretty good chance that it will engage others and find its place. And maybe if the stars align it’ll also find some external success. Whatever the outcome, this is what fuels us; it’s how we do our best work, our truest work. Good work builds more good work. And that kind of architecture is what builds a career. That is our success.

I also love that Francis isn’t afraid to take from former filmmakers – Kazan, Hitchcock… We have permission. It’s useful. We’re students and teachers of each other’s art and process.

Have a look: The Godfather: Francis Ford Coppola’s Notebook

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