Where in the World is Peter Broderick? or The Distribution Revolution

This is crucial to watch! How to determine your audience when you dream up your movie?! And distributing it… the new world! Exploring new frontiers. Click on the link:

Where in the World is Peter Broderick? Join me on a quick world tour. Years in the making with a cast of thousands, this is a breakneck journey through the New World of Distribution. WHERE IN THE WORLD IS PETER BRODERICK? shows highlights from presentations in Cannes, Berlin, Brisbane, New York, Sundance, Guadalajara, and Hollywood.

Peter Broderick says: “When you make a distribution deal… retain the right to sell your film from your own website when it’s in video distribution!? It’s a revolution. Be as creative about distribution as you are about filmmaking!

I’m both inspired and terrified by this. It always was the fantasy that a collection of plump, red-faced European men would take my movies off to Germany and Turkey and other markets and money would pour in. And that actually happened a couple of times… But it’s a new world and we’re all in the driver’s seat of our own invention. And as Peter Broderick says: “Hollywood is our friend, because for the mostpart Hollywood is making content-free movies.” So it’s up to all of us working within or outside the system to take the leap and create our own work and our own distribution of that work. And to remember our audience! If we build it…

Research more at:  Peter Broderick website

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