Sanford Meisner – The Theater’s Best Kept Secret – A Documentary in 7 parts

Meisner – The Neighborhood Playhouse -1957

Grabbing this from John Ruskin  – an intimate look at Sanford Meisner through a documentary in 7 parts. John is a wonderful teacher and someone who was fortunate to have been chosen to be Sandy Meisner’s first apprentice, then taught at the Neighborhood Playhouse; now John runs the Ruskin School and Theatre, its LA representative.


John’s bio can be found here:  John Ruskin

I never studied “Meisner” but I feel a deep connection with the work and carry the inspiration. I wish I’d have known Sandy as John and so many great actors, directors and writers did. He speaks to me so clearly, so truthfully. And that’s what we aim to achieve in our work on stage and screen alike. Telling the truth, sharing our personal and collective human experience, in the most spontaneous, immediate, and authentic way. Being wholly in the moment, and mastering the art of listening… something that serves us in our creative collaborations as well as in our lives altogether.

I share this with you, courtesy of John Ruskin (& the Ruskin School of Acting) and in the spirit of Sandy Meisner…

Here’s the Meisner page on John Ruskin’s site – with the documentary that I encourage… no, implore you to watch: Sanford Meisner – The Theater’s Best Kept Secret — A documentary in 7 parts.  Produced by Sydney Pollack — Directed by Nick Doob.

click here and scroll down on the page:

Ruskin School/Sanford Meisner

Act Before You Think

                – Sanford Meisner



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