Becoming Diamonds

Becoming Diamonds: An actor, Rick Foley, posted this on Facebook, and it resonates: “I’ve had many up & down times since moving to L.A. to pursue an acting career. Even though we can’t always see the light at the end of the frequent “tunnels” & even though sh** seems hopeless…. these “down times” have a purpose. They help you to reassess, regroup, recover, rebound & figure out better strategies. Coal doesn’t become a diamond unless it is subjected to extreme heat & pressure. We have to remind ourselves of this. This applies to acting & every other endeavor in life. Keep on keeping on.”

We are in process. As artists we are always creating the work and ourselves. We don’t have to suffer extra hard… we suffer enough. Our individual lives are rich with feelings and personal interpretations, experiences that inform our creative journey. Unique to us and powerful in what we bring to the world. It’s what we do with the pain and the pleasure of our experiences that both impact our personal expression and feeds the collective.  Everything we do, feel, undergo (and as creative beings we sense it all deeply) contributes to the complexity of our lives. The wounds become breathtaking scars. The failures become triumphs. The labor builds works of art. 

We cannot be perfect. We can, however, be whole. And, how we endure the “extreme heat and pressure” of any coal compression will reveal the diamond within. Diamonds aren’t perfect. They have brilliance – brightness, symmetry, and reflection. They reflect the color of the truth around them. They hold their power. With certainty. So, in that, what we really want to do is make space for the diamond to glow. Give it space, time, and respect. And do whatever we have to do to honor our brillance. 

As actors, do the work. It will expose you – your exceptional  gift, energy, character. It will move you from coal to diamond. And in the engagement of our passion our brilliance is revealed.

“The seed of your next art work lies embedded in the imperfections of your current piece.” (David Bayles)

Diamond Planet spotted Oct 2012

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