Spotlight on: Joseph Lyle Taylor

Joe is an actor I’ve known for awhile and I’m so excited that I’ve recently gotten to know him even more intimately as the amazing talent he is. He’s been a part of The BGB Studio, the Studio I’ve started with Steve Braun. Joe’s the kind of actor we LOVE to work with. He’s always willing to roll up his sleeves and dig into the work. He’s relentlessly in pursuit of a deeply detailed and truthful performance. And it shows!

Joe is one of those actors who possesses just the right combination of character guy and leading man, tough guy and deeply sensitive artist, heavy weight and funny man. He manages to hold all of those traits MV5BNDQ4MjE4NDg1NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzI1ODgyNg@@._V1._SX481_SY471_with such ease. He’s Texas and NY, he’s Karl Malden and Jack Nicholson, he’s the guy next door you realize you have to marry, and he’s the man you don’t want following you home. I love that about him. And he’s thoroughly watchable, always surprising, fully engaging because of it.

Joe just completed a successful run in the Ensemble Studio Theatre Marathon of One-Act Plays, my stomping ground. Below are some reviews of his excellent work!

Joe’s also a gifted writer; I’m in the midst of reading his new feature-length screenplay. Wonderful stuff!

I’m very excited to see where Joe’s headed. He’s a gift to anyone who gets the chance to collaborate with him. He’s on a great journey as an artist, one that will continue to take him to extraordinary places.

Ladies and gentlemen… Joseph Lyle Taylor!



Some Reviews of Joe’s recent work at E.S.T.:

★ Ensemble Studio Theater 2013 Marathon (Series B) The six plays here make for another satisfying bill from Ensemble Studio Theater, which excels at the art of the one-act. One play in particular, “A Sunrise in Times Square” by Sharr White, stands out thanks to very fine performances by Joseph Lyle Taylor and Julie Fitzpatrick.

“The marvelous performance by Joseph Lyle Taylor carry it to another level. Mr. Taylor plays a fire safety inspector who volunteers to look over her apartment to set her mind at ease. Both characters are delightfully awkward, and watching them find and occasionally grope their way to a mutually supportive moment is achingly enjoyable.”- Neil Genzlinger NY Times

“Joseph Lyle Taylor, as a crude, libidinous trucker, gets to deliver the pick-up spiel: “Annette, I know you. I could be you, right? But I just . . . drive.” The pleasure Mr. Taylor takes in saying this is in itself enough to justify the evening.” -Ben Brantley – NY Times

“As the restlessly married Joey and Suzy (played with tasty understatement by Joseph Lyle Taylor) address what they describe as their “ill-defined yearnings,” they run through a thesaurus of possibilities that encompasses words like “putrescence” and, most memorably, “credenza.” Joey may be what he calls “maleducated,” but he and his wife are as articulately inarticulate as a couple get.” – Ben Brantley -NY Times

“This crisper attack is most profound in the work of Joseph Lyle Taylor, Michael Mastro  and Kevin Geer, who play the roguish trio of musicians who share gigs and unemployment with Clifford’s father, think of a Scarecrow on bass, a Tin Man on drums and a Cowardly Lion on horn,” Peter Marks – NY Times

“Another character’s moral dilemma echoes powerfully in future episodes. Bobby Esposito (Joseph Lyle Taylor) is an assistant district attorney whose grandfather was an immigrant…As the furious Bobby and his father sit on a bench outside the court building, and the camera lingers on their conversation, the scene is exhilarating and gripping.”- Caryn James – NY Times

Full NY Times Review

Full Theatre Mania Review

Joseph Lyle Taylor

Joseph Lyle Taylor

Joe’s representation:

Global Artists Agency, Phone: 323 836 0320 – –

Estelle Lasher, manager, Phone: 212 997 9191 –

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