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Spotlight On: The Actors of The BGB Studio

The BGB Actors have simply blown me away. The Actors who’ve come through our doors during the past 14 months at The BGB Studio – Bramon Garcia Braun – have walked in hungry, dedicated, sometimes scared or angry, but always hopeful, passionate, and wonderfully vulnerable. In that, we’ve seen their hearts. We’ve come to know […]

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Spotlight On: Leah Costello

LEAH COSTELLO:  Leah came to my attention in a class I taught a few months ago with our studio – The BGB Studio – BramonGarciaBraun. Along with my teaching partner, Steve Braun, this was the first Audition Class of our Studio session, and Leah was a standout. Leah has both the soul to pull you […]

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In the Company of Naked Wounds

“to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best night and day to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting.” – e.e. cummings As 2011 became 2012 loads of ‘end of the year’ and ‘new year’ writings materialized […]

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The Thanksgiving of Community

I’ve never really gotten this Thanksgiving day thing… as a Canadian I wasn’t raised with it and it always seemed forced and obligatory.  Yesterday I was dreading it – ritual and consumption without meaning.  But this morning I woke very early, slipped outside into the quiet of daybreak, and breathed in the expectant air of […]

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