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Becoming Diamonds

Becoming Diamonds: An actor, Rick Foley, posted this on Facebook, and it resonates: “I’ve had many up & down times since moving to L.A. to pursue an acting career. Even though we can’t always see the light at the end of the frequent “tunnels” & even though sh** seems hopeless…. these “down times” have a purpose. […]

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In the Company of Naked Wounds

“to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best night and day to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting.” – e.e. cummings As 2011 became 2012 loads of ‘end of the year’ and ‘new year’ writings materialized […]

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Gaslight – A message to Women – You Are Not Crazy (from a man)

This is an article for all women. And men oughta read it too… taking on the burden of “something being wrong” with us. We are not crazy, no matter how easy it is for others to convince us that we are. Or weak, or too emotional, too sensitive, too defensive… have a read… by Yashar Ali […]

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The Thanksgiving of Community

I’ve never really gotten this Thanksgiving day thing… as a Canadian I wasn’t raised with it and it always seemed forced and obligatory.  Yesterday I was dreading it – ritual and consumption without meaning.  But this morning I woke very early, slipped outside into the quiet of daybreak, and breathed in the expectant air of […]

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Subject: Surfacing I am in the desert. The air holds that sweet desert smell. The sun is melting into the mountains. All kinds of grays and pinks are streaking the sky. It’s dramatic. It’s evolving. It’s unapologetic. I used to be that way. I was bolder. I was surfacing. I was certainly without apology. Impertinent […]

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