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Spotlight On: Leah Costello

LEAH COSTELLO:  Leah came to my attention in a class I taught a few months ago with our studio – The BGB Studio – BramonGarciaBraun. Along with my teaching partner, Steve Braun, this was the first Audition Class of our Studio session, and Leah was a standout. Leah has both the soul to pull you […]

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Anna Magnani, that’s acting

Anna Magnani in The Fugitive Kind (written by Tennessee Williams, directed by Sidney Lumet) What is acting anyway? We think we have to show ourselves and that’s true, we do. But trusting that the “showing” can be simply revealing is the challenge. It’s a longer discussion but plainly said, to me, it’s a human being experiencing […]

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Gaslight – A message to Women – You Are Not Crazy (from a man)

This is an article for all women. And men oughta read it too… taking on the burden of “something being wrong” with us. We are not crazy, no matter how easy it is for others to convince us that we are. Or weak, or too emotional, too sensitive, too defensive… have a read… by Yashar Ali […]

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Showing Up: A Conversation about the Audition

This is inspiring for anyone who ever auditioned for a role or a job…  Watch the trailer and check out the site for it. This is what we’ve been talking about. Showing Up – A Conversation about the Audition. A movie. Showing Up | A conversation about the audition. and also read: The Actors: Showing […]

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