A day to empower your career & celebrate your creative spirit…
99 Actors – 99 Seats – 99 Dollars – 99 Career-changing steps
After last year’s transformative event, 99 Actors Day is back for another provocative, illuminating, & galvanizing day!
– Saturday, November 3 – 8:30 am-5:30 pm –
at The Ensemble Studio Theatre/Atwater Village Theatres-Atwater Village, CA
produced by
Risa Bramon Garcia, Andrew Carlberg & Steve Braun
-A friend signs up (using your name) and your name goes in the hat twice to be eligible. Their name goes in as well!
Join us along with our guests, seasoned industry pros, sharing their experiences and their wisdom
Including Casting Directors: Randi Hiller (The Avengers & Iron Man), Jeanie Bachrach (Nashville & Alphas), Gary Zuckerbrod (Pulp Fiction & Without a Trace), Marci Liroff (Mean Girls & E.T.), Michael Donavan (Hollywood Bowl, theatre & commercials); Agents from Gersh, Leverage, Michael Greene, Frontline and more… And Actors Who Wear Other Hats Very Well: Keith David (Requiem for a Dream & Cloud Atlas), Clark Gregg (500 Days of Summer & New Adventures of Old Christine), Annabelle Gurwitch (Dinner & a Movie), Perry Lang (Weeds & NCIS:LA), Jeanie Hacket (The Workroom); Media & Marketing Experts: Matt Draper (Speedreels), Kelcey Parker (Nitro Interactive Marketing), Paul Norton (Paul’s Video), Meg Pinsonneault (Thirsty Girl Films) and more…
And A SPECIAL PREVIEW OF THE HBO DOCUMENTARY FILM, CASTING BY (official selection Toronto International Film Festival & The New York Film Festival) & talk with Filmmakers Tom Donahue & Kate Lacey
Celebrate your art. Produce your career.
Refund Policy: Full refund up to 10 days before November 3 (that is, Wed, Oct 24). Half refund up to 5 days prior to November 3 (that is Mon, Oct 29). Or gift it to a friend or an actor we know.
“I’ve been to seminars before and usually spend most of the time daydreaming, hoping to find just a useful nugget or two to make the day worthwhile. The 99 Actors Day event took my wife and me by surprise. It was so informative and empowering that it felt like we were doing something illegal! If you look at the separate parts and just expect to get insider secrets, you’ll miss the broader message. Because what truly separates this event from all others is simply that it was put together with heart. In the truest sense of the word, producers Risa Bramon Garcia and Andrew Carlberg love the craft of acting and, more importantly, love actors. I would recommend 99 Actors Day to anyone who wants to gain that intangible element so often missing in events like this… the element of hope.”
– John Pollono, Small Engine Repair, writer, actor
99 Actors Day is: a day devoted entirely to you as an actor. So that you’re positively doing everything you can to support yourself as an artist, a professional… the producer of your own career.
From our perspective 99 Actors Day 2011 turned out to be a phenomenon, a happening experienced by each of us – as well as all of us communally. Onward in our individual and collective power. Remember, we’re all in this together. 99 Actors Day 2.0 Nov 3, 2012 is almost here – register now here!
Saturday, November 19, 2011 link here: 99 ACTORS DAY!
Go to the Facebook Page for photos and comments. And updates for 2012.
Here are a few of the photos and comments that testify to what happens when a community of creative individuals come together to explore our our continued quest for synchronicity and success as artists and professionals.
“I just took Risa’s 99 Actors Day event and I am still in awe… and inspired….she is a musts for actors in this business as she is so supportive and smart and honest… On the 19th of November I spent the entire day in bliss at Ensemble Studio Theatre’s Atwater Village space with Risa Bramon Garcia and Andrew Carlberg. They put together a day for actors that was just what I personally needed…. I am still in awe… and inspired.” – Kate Prendergast Mesirow, actor
“Such a great day. You should be very proud of what you put together there. That you attract such good and generous souls is a testament to your own goodness and generosity. The first thing my wife said when we walked out was “that was the best $100 I’ve ever spent on my career.” On a personal note I was honored to moderate the panel and I appreciate you including me.” – Steve Braun, actor & teacher/coach, moderated the Media Panel

Casting Directors (Including Dorian Frankel, Danielle Eskinazi, Phyllis Schuringa, Juel Bestrop, Monika Mikkelsen, Matt Skrobalak)
“You transformed my life in a day at your Master Class, brought joy and passion back to my life and my acting and now have inspired me even further with the 99 Actor day you put together.
YOU ARE CHANGING THIS BUSINESS, ONE DAY, ONE ACTOR, ONE PERSON AT A TIME. I honestly hope you realize the impact you are having not only on the individuals you touch but know that I for one am spreading your passion and word ~ on a daily basis. Not only by telling people about you and your amazingness (that is a new word just for you!) but also by sharing the information you pass along! Thank you for being you. I sent the following sentence to Mr. James Morrison regarding that brilliant film trailer: In just a few moments in time watching that trailer my life was changed, my heart and soul touched, and although I tried not to, tears of compassion, joy, fear, and a deep connection with the people on that screen. No words can truly thank you enough. You will and have already changed lives…” – Kim Hopkins, actor
“You’ve gotta do that again soon. I’m raving about it. People are asking me about it. It is, hands down, THEE most artistically inspiring experience I’ve ever had in this city and certainly something I never, ever expected to have in this city. Changing the tide by putting the emphasis on being active in artistry. This is a real game-changer. I really, truly think that you are creating a movement here. It changed me. I’m signing up for an improv class AND I’m painting every day – just to conquer the fears – while still keeping my main focus on this show I’m writing. I made the leap from “talent buyer” to “artist” that day. It was profound for me. And Ruben loved it too – our home is vibrating with creative energy.” – Tara Lonzo, producer, writer, casting director
“I am sure your email box has been bursting with at least 98 other emails saying similar things, but I did just want to thank you again for creating a spot for a true jolt of community awareness, not only of the business, but of just what it means to be in this family of creators here in Los Angeles. A family of vibrant creativity…that just lost touch for awhile. We all left with the sense that all of us, no matter what their job was, were working to do the best work possible. To tell stories as honestly and truthfully as possible. I got a lot out of Saturday — I am redesigning my website, putting my commercial reel on up YouTube, lawyers be damned, making subtle changes to my business card (gotta as my twitter handle), and convince my friends, with who I usually do a quick on camera audition work once a week, to spend that time creating original content. Good stuff. Necessary realization: It’s all possible, every day. Happy Thanksgiving, thank you so much, and see you out there.” – Mike Romo, actor

Actor Panel (Including Amy Davidson, Sharon Lawrence, Robert Joy, Laurie Metcalf, Tim Bagley, Jon Huertas, Donal Logue)
“I cannot thank you enough for putting on such an impacting and important day. I felt like I was part of a secret information session, it was invaluable to have been sitting in that room. Yet again, taking your class has left me feeling more empowered in my art, in my passion, and in my business of combining those two into a successful endeavor. My friend who I informed of the class was blown away with her experience too. You bring something so special to this town, something so rare and beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with us and risking all that comes with opening yourself up in truth. People grow from what you offer, not just as artists, but also as human beings. Thank you again for producing, hosting, and creating such a wonderful experience for us all.” – Austin Highsmith, actor
“I just wanted to sincerely thank you for putting on such an amazing and inspiring day today. Truly. Having just moved here 3 weeks ago, I’ve been in shell shock and been having more moments than not of thinking – what in the hell did I decide to do?? Today, was needed. It blew fresh air into my passion and has sent me in to overdrive. Words cannot express the gratitude I have for people like you in the industry who make all things seem possible. All of the panels were insightful, intelligent and inspiring. You created a spectacular day that I will always remember.” – Shannon DeSalvo, actor
“I think the biggest thing I took from the session Saturday was a sense of accountability to myself as an artist, to pick up everyday and keep going because I’d act in a parking garage if that was all there was for me. (come to think of it I may have actually done that once). I don’t know how you do it but again you have imparted more invaluable wisdom, something that could not be taught but only learned through experience. I cannot thank you enough for it. Ever Grateful…” – Yetide Badaki, actor
“Thank you for a life-changing day at the 99 actors workshop. It reminded me why I started this crazy journey. Thank you.” – Christopher Jon Martin, actor
Saturday was such an AWESOME, fulfilling day!!! Words can’t fully express my gratitude. You should both be super proud… You touched our lives in a profound way. Thank you! Thank you!” – Ingrid Rogers, actor
“I know it’s been several days since 99 Actor’s Saturday, but I’m still thinking and talking about the event. I’m currently home with my family and they have definitely been getting a crash course in the business of acting! I so appreciate what you two put together. Parts of the day were very difficult for me to handle; I’m not even sure why but the panelists brought up a lot. I feel like I learned so much more than I’m even aware of yet, and I’m really thrilled that I got to be a part of it. Thank you for your efforts.
Mostly, thank you for your persistence in the beauty of what we do. It many crowds, it’s hard to say that without sounding “silly,” but to spend a whole day surrounded by true professionals who are informed by that was amazing. And the food trucks were fantastic. That was my first experience with a food truck. Can you believe it?! Thank you again. And consider this my sign-up in perpetuity for 99 Actor’s Days in the future.” – Julia McIlvaine, actor
I want to write a note thanking you both for putting yesterday together. It was filled with all sorts of surprises, from having people I knew and didn’t know compliment my work on various projects over the years (stage and TV), to seeing people I haven’t seen in years (both guests and participants), to hearing about websites I never knew existed (“active submission” and others), to getting new ideas of managing things I did know about (advances with IMDB pro and Word Press)… And Donal Logue’s truck driving school story… And that film, while I was very skeptical about it… WOW, my eyes were drenched at one point…
In all honesty when I left I felt hundreds of different emotions, from wanting to jump off a bridge or bury my head like an ostrich, to wanting to dig in and charge full steam ahead (“Once more unto the breach…”), to wanting to hug every single person that dares to jump in and pursue the life of an actor…
Well, really, hundreds of emotions. And as I posted on Twitter today, “To be or not to be to be… continues to be the question…”
This morning, I spent some time revamping my IMDB page, and this week, I’ll be investing time into many other things that I took note of during those 8 hours. Rebuilding my web page, researching sites, possibly starting to blog (again), a lot of things…
My friend, casting director Erika Sellin recommended I go, and my next email will be to her, thanking her. And this week I’ll also be thanking some of the guests that I have contact information for. But please extend my thanks to anyone and everyone that was involved in making the day a success, including those that did behind the scenes stuff. Because if you were able to get this 19 year vet, who has had 100s of “successes,” 1000s of “failures,” who’s incredibly skeptical, at times jaded, who probably thinks way too much… to feel everything that I felt in 8 hours… THAT, that is a success.
Once again thank you. And Risa, that was an AMAZING show-reel. – Tom Kiesche, actor
“I just wanted to let you know what in impact the 99 actors day had on everybody. I felt so heavy with information walking out of the theatre that day with all these stories and people’s personal connection to their own success. They say passion loves company, and I was in great company that day. I’ve been to other panel discussions but what made this one different was that everybody there loved you and was passionately giving their trials, tribulations and success stories. I think everybody could feel it. So thank you for that day as it was really a special, and a bookmark if you will, in my journey forward.” – Maciek Sokalski, actor
“That was an awesome day. Illuminating, inspiring, a surprising sense of community.” – Josh Randall, actor
“It was amazing. my first Risa Bramon Garcia event, but not my last. I guess I am a virgin no more! Thanks for a glorious day. So where I needed to be. Kudos, Risa and all.” – Wendy Hammer, actor
“Thank you so much for hosting this event. It was inspiring and is helping to produce a stirring in me to jump to actions; I have previously felt futile. Both your energies in particular are remarkably generous and authentic. For all of this and what may grow from it… Thank You.” – Melissa Kite, actor
“What an awesome, thought provoking, inspiring day! thank you so much for planning that!!! It was wonderfully inspirational and I’m so grateful you and Andrew created it.” – Miriam Korn, actor
Thank you once again, for hosting and producing 99 Actors day. I have now returned to my home in Salt lake City, but the magic that occurred last Saturday is still with me. And that is something extraordinary in itself. From your posts I sense that what did occur, could not have been scripted nor fabricated with any amount of pre- production. The fact that the information was offered so freely by all the industry pro’s spoke volumes to me. “We” are all on “our” side.
Financially it was a stretch for me to do the ’99 Actors Day’ (flight, hotel, car, etc.) But I am now convinced more than ever, that if I just put the question out there and take some sort of action on my dream, the answers will be provided.This was true of 99 Actors day! So many questions were answered as a result of my participation last Saturday. I now have a concrete plan of action of what I need to do, to be ready for the industry, and present myself in the LA market. I can’t tell you how grateful I am to have discovered what I consider a very trusted, valid resource in you. I hope to return in the future at some point. Many thanks. Awesome on so many levels. – Cory C. Dangerfield, Salt Lake City
“Today was priceless and golden beyond words. Thank you.” – David Daskal, actor
” Seriously Amazing!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you!” – Erin Alexis Leahy, actor
For more on James Morrison’s incredible film – Showing Up: A conversation about the audition: Showing Up The Movie
– Risa, Andrew Carlberg & Steve Braun, producers
Welcoming Steve Braun (Acting The Truth) as a Producer for 2012. We’re very excited to include Steve’s expertise and talent in the evolution of our event.